The plot circles around its title. The Wraith's or Phantom's license plate NOS4A2 can be read and remembered as BAD SON. SON is spelled backwards, 2 is the second letter of the alphabet: B. Then there's: A. And the fourth letter of the alphabet: D.
The Manx cat originated on the Isle of Man. The mannish cat is an ancient breed and has a mutation: it is tailless or with a stump. The Manx language is considered an endangered one. For example the word: Çhiarn in ManX--the 'ch' has the same sound as in Charlie. The word means Lord. Here is a dark lord who gives the illusion of light through snow and promises of happiness to the young children he lures into his ghostly lair.
'Inscape' is a word mentioned quite often. It is a word invented by the poet Gerard Manley Hopkins who was a priest. In his religiosity he used it to express the heart's spiritual voyage until it reaches a heavenly state. He is considered one of the greatest poetic minds in The Age of Queen Victoria. He was an accomplished artist as well as a writer and he drew in lines without color. He believed Man was Backwards to Nature.
The opening line of Charles Dickens--'A Tale of Two Cities' is a reveal of the duality in Time.