Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror Soundtrack (

Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror Soundtrack (1922) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:


Title in Italiano:

Nosferatu - Il vampiro

Title in Português:


Title in Français:

Nosferatu le vampire

Title in Türk:



Wisborg, Germany-based estate agent Knock dispatches his associate, Hutter, to Count Orlok's castle in Transylvania as the Count wants to purchase an isolated house in Wisborg. They plan on selling him the one across the way from Hutter's own home. Hutter leaves his innocent wife, Ellen, with some friends while he is away.

Hutter's trek is an unusual one, with many locals not wanting to take him near the castle where strange events have been occurring. Once at the castle, Hutter sells the house to Orlok, but he also notices and feels unusual occurrences, primarily feeling like there is a dark shadow hanging over him, even in daytime when Orlok is usually asleep.

Hutter eventually sees the Count's sleeping chamber in a crypt, and based on a book he has recently read, believes the Count is really a vampire or Nosferatu. While Hutter is trapped in the castle, the Count, hiding in a shipment of coffins, makes his way to Wisborg, causing death along his way, which most attribute to the plague.

Hutter himself tries to rush home to save his town and most importantly save Ellen from Nosferatu's imminent arrival. In Wisborg, Ellen can feel the impending darkness as Nosferatu gets closer. But she learns that a sinless woman can sacrifice herself to kill the vampire.

Will Hutter be able to save Ellen, either from Nosferatu and/or her self-sacrifice?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror
Nosferatu Overture
James Bernard: Performer
Hutter and Ellen
James Bernard: Performer
Ellen's Disquiet
James Bernard: Performer
Journey to Orlok's Castle
James Bernard: Performer
In the Castle
James Bernard: Performer
Ellen Sleep-walks
James Bernard: Performer
Hutter's Discovery
James Bernard: Performer
Loading the Coffins
James Bernard: Performer
Ellen By the Seashore
James Bernard: Performer
The Ship of Doom
James Bernard: Performer
Orlok's Lair
James Bernard: Performer
The Plague
James Bernard: Performer
The Pursuit of Knock
James Bernard: Performer
The Power of Orlok / The Death of Ellen
James Bernard: Performer
SIDE A: Omens of Nosferatu
James Bernard: Performer
SIDE B: The Ship of Doom
James Bernard: Performer
Main Title / You Can't Escape Destiny By Running Away
Del Rey & The Sun Kings: Performer
Land of Phantoms
Del Rey & The Sun Kings: Performer
Blood! Your Precious Blood!
Del Rey & The Sun Kings: Performer
Coffins... Coffins Filled With Earth
Del Rey & The Sun Kings: Performer
Carniverous Plant (Nina's Waltz)
Del Rey & The Sun Kings: Performer
Captain of the Black Ship
Del Rey & The Sun Kings: Performer
Destiny Redux
Del Rey & The Sun Kings: Performer
I Too Have Been Saved
Del Rey & The Sun Kings: Performer
A Woman Pure In Heart
Del Rey & The Sun Kings: Performer
Omens of Nosferatu
James Bernard: Performer
Elleni?s Disquiet
James Bernard: Performer
Journey to Orloki?s Castle
James Bernard: Performer
Hutteri?s Discovery
James Bernard: Performer
Orloki?s Lair
James Bernard: Performer
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