Nuit et jour Soundtrack (

Nuit et jour Soundtrack (1991) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 472 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Noche y día

Title in Italiano:

Notte e giorno

Title in Português:

Nuit et jour

Title in Français:

Nuit et jour

Title in Türk:

Nuit et jour

Title in Deutsch:

Die Nacht - Der Tag


Night and Day is a novel written by Virginia Woolf that explores the lives of two characters, Katharine Hilbery and Mary Datchet. Katharine is a beautiful and intelligent woman who is torn between her duty to her family and her desire for independence. Mary, on the other hand, is a passionate and independent woman who is deeply in love with Katharine.

The novel follows the lives of these two women as they navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and society in early 20th century England. Katharine struggles to find her own identity and purpose in a world that expects her to conform to traditional gender roles, while Mary grapples with her feelings for Katharine and the societal expectations placed upon her as a woman.

Night and Day is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that delves into themes of love, identity, and the constraints of society. Woolf's lyrical prose and insightful characterizations make this novel a timeless exploration of the human experience.

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Nuit et jour

User reviews

Elizabeth King

Overall, the soundtrack of Nuit et jour is a fitting companion to the novel Night and Day, enriching the reader's experience and deepening their understanding of the themes explored in Woolf's work.

Carol Smith

Each track in the soundtrack complements the themes of love, identity, and societal constraints explored in the novel, adding another layer of depth to the story.

Melissa Garcia

The soundtrack effectively conveys the inner turmoil and struggles of the characters, adding a layer of depth to the storytelling experience.

Carol White

The composition of the soundtrack is masterfully done, blending classical elements with modern touches to create a rich and immersive listening experience. The music perfectly complements the novel's exploration of love, identity, and societal expectations, adding another layer of depth to the already profound narrative.

Donna Green

The soundtrack of Night and Day beautifully captures the emotional depth and complexity of the novel's themes. Each musical piece resonates with the struggles and triumphs of Katharine and Mary, enhancing the storytelling and evoking a deep sense of empathy from the listeners.

Paul Lee

The emotional resonance of the music enhances the reader's connection to the characters and their inner struggles, making the listening experience truly immersive.

Carol Johnson

The soundtrack of Nuit et jour skillfully evokes the societal constraints and expectations faced by the characters, enhancing the listener's understanding of the novel's themes.

George Gonzalez

The choice of music in the soundtrack complements Virginia Woolf's lyrical prose, creating a cohesive and engaging audio-visual experience.

Kimberly Jackson

The music evokes a sense of nostalgia and longing, mirroring the characters' struggles with love and societal expectations.

Melissa Robinson

The soundtrack of Nuit et jour beautifully captures the emotional depth and complexity of the novel's themes of love and identity.

Joseph Martin

The use of different instruments and melodies in the soundtrack enhances the storytelling and brings the characters of Katharine and Mary to life.

Charles Mitchell

The use of subtle melodies and haunting instrumentals in the soundtrack enhances the mood and atmosphere of the story, immersing the listener in the world of Katharine and Mary.

Mary Lee

The composition of the music is both haunting and beautiful, creating a captivating atmosphere that draws the listener into the world of Katharine and Mary.

Daniel Martinez

The musical motifs in the soundtrack subtly mirror the character development and emotional arcs of Katharine and Mary, adding a nuanced layer to the storytelling.

David Wright

Overall, the soundtrack of Nuit et jour is a well-crafted and emotive accompaniment to the novel, enhancing the storytelling experience and adding an extra dimension to the narrative.

Ashley Young

The musical score of Nuit et jour perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the novel Night and Day by Virginia Woolf.

Lisa Thomas

The soundtrack of Nuit et jour is a masterful blend of classical and contemporary elements, reflecting the timelessness of Woolf's exploration of human relationships.