Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror is a Japanese animated film that follows the story of a young girl named Haruka who discovers a mysterious world called Oblivion Island. Haruka's mother passed away when she was young, and she holds onto a hand mirror that her mother gave her as a keepsake.
One day, Haruka loses her mirror and follows a fox-like creature to Oblivion Island, where she finds that all lost items from the human world end up there. She meets a boy named Teo who helps her navigate the island and search for her mirror. Along the way, they encounter various creatures and obstacles that test their friendship and determination.
As Haruka delves deeper into Oblivion Island, she learns valuable lessons about letting go of the past and moving forward. The film explores themes of loss, acceptance, and the power of memories. Will Haruka be able to find her mirror and return to the human world, or will she be forever trapped in Oblivion Island?
Play | Title | Artist |
Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror