Off the Rack is a thrilling novel that follows the story of Sarah, a young fashion designer who dreams of making it big in the industry. She lands a job at a prestigious fashion house, but soon realizes that the world of high fashion is not as glamorous as it seems.
As Sarah navigates the cutthroat world of couture, she must learn to balance her ambition with her integrity. She faces challenges from jealous colleagues, demanding clients, and her own inner demons. Will she be able to stay true to herself and achieve her dreams, or will she be consumed by the pressures of the fashion world?
Off the Rack is a gripping tale of ambition, betrayal, and redemption. It explores the dark side of the fashion industry while also celebrating the creativity and passion of those who work in it. Readers will be captivated by Sarah's journey as she fights to make a name for herself in a world where success comes at a high price.