Oklahoma! is a classic musical set in the American West during the early 1900s. The story follows the romantic entanglements of cowboys and farmers in the Oklahoma Territory. The main plot revolves around the love triangle between cowboy Curly McLain, farm girl Laurey Williams, and the menacing farmhand Jud Fry.
The musical features iconic songs such as "Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'" and "People Will Say We're in Love." The lively dance numbers and catchy tunes have made Oklahoma! a beloved favorite among theatergoers for decades.
As tensions rise between the cowboys and farmers, the characters must navigate their relationships and confront their own desires. The show culminates in a thrilling and emotional climax that explores themes of love, jealousy, and forgiveness.
With its memorable music and timeless story, Oklahoma! continues to captivate audiences with its heartwarming tale of love and redemption in the Wild West.
Play | Title | Artist |
Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'
The Surrey With the Fringe On Top
Kansas City
I Cain't Say No
Many A New Day
People Will Say We're In Love
Pore Jud Is Daid
Out of My Dreams
Laurey's Dream Ballet
Richard Rodgers:
The Farmer and the Cowman
All 'er Nothin'
People Will Say We're In Love (Reprise)
Oh, What A Beautiful Mornin' (Finale)