One More Chance Soundtrack (

One More Chance Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 7.50/10 from 840 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

One More Chance

Title in Italiano:

One More Chance

Title in Português:

One More Chance

Title in Français:

One More Chance

Title in Türk:

One More Chance

Title in Deutsch:

One More Chance


One More Chance is a heartwarming story about second chances and the power of forgiveness.

After a devastating breakup, Sarah is left heartbroken and unsure of what to do next. She feels lost and alone, until she runs into her ex-boyfriend, Alex, at a coffee shop.

As they start talking, old feelings resurface and Sarah begins to wonder if they could have another chance at love.

Through a series of heartfelt conversations and emotional moments, Sarah and Alex realize that they still care deeply for each other.

They decide to give their relationship another try, taking things slow and learning from their past mistakes.

As they navigate the ups and downs of rebuilding their relationship, Sarah and Alex discover that sometimes all you need is one more chance to make things right.

Will they be able to overcome their past and find happiness together once again?

Find out in One More Chance, a story of love, forgiveness, and the power of second chances.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
One More Chance
I'll Never Go
Erik Santos: Performer
Frank Singcol: Performer
One More Chance
Piolo Pascual: Performer
Jude Gitamondoc: Performer
Jeremiah: Performer
Larry Hermoso: Performer
Larry Hermoso: Published

User reviews

Kimberly King

The music seamlessly complements the heartfelt conversations and emotional moments between Sarah and Alex, creating a sense of intimacy and connection that draws the audience deeper into their story. The melodies linger in my mind long after the movie ends, underscoring the themes of love, forgiveness, and the power of second chances.

Mary Johnson

The lyrics of the songs in the soundtrack are poignant and heartfelt, mirroring the characters' inner struggles and desires with honesty and vulnerability.

Sarah Clark

The soundtrack features a diverse range of musical styles that cater to different moods and moments in the film, showcasing the versatility and skill of the composers and musicians involved.

Jennifer Baker

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack are particularly moving, conveying emotions that words alone cannot express, making the viewer truly feel the depth of Sarah and Alex's journey.

Donald Roberts

The music in One More Chance effectively conveys the themes of love, forgiveness, and redemption, adding depth and resonance to the characters' emotional arcs.

Edward Moore

The soundtrack of One More Chance felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking originality and failing to evoke any deep emotions or connection with the characters' journey.

Edward Lopez

Listening to the soundtrack of One More Chance is like taking a musical journey through the hearts of the characters, allowing me to feel their joys and sorrows as if they were my own. The songs resonate with authenticity and sincerity, making the film's message even more impactful and resonant with audiences.

Patricia Anderson

Overall, the soundtrack of One More Chance is a standout feature of the film, providing an emotional anchor that resonates long after the credits roll.

Amanda Young

The musical score of One More Chance enhances the storytelling by creating a rich atmosphere that draws the audience deeper into the characters' experiences and emotions.

Lisa Carter

The use of soft piano melodies in key scenes helps to convey the vulnerability and longing that Sarah and Alex feel as they rekindle their relationship. The music adds depth to their conversations and brings out the raw emotions of the characters, making their journey feel authentic and relatable.

Joseph Robinson

The soundtrack's use of recurring motifs and themes ties the story together thematically, creating a sense of cohesion and unity that elevates the viewing experience.

Mark Parker

I found the music to be generic and predictable, with cliché melodies and arrangements that did not enhance the storytelling or add any depth to the emotional moments portrayed in the film.

Michelle Mitchell

The soundtrack of One More Chance perfectly captures the emotional journey of Sarah and Alex, adding depth and poignancy to their story. Each track evokes a range of feelings, from heartache to hope, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Dorothy Thomas

The soundtrack of One More Chance perfectly captures the emotional journey of Sarah and Alex, enhancing the heartwarming story with its melodic and evocative tunes.

Daniel Lopez

The soundtrack of One More Chance perfectly captures the emotional journey of Sarah and Alex as they navigate their second chance at love. The music enhances the heartfelt conversations and emotional moments between the characters, creating a truly immersive experience for the audience.

Joshua Mitchell

Each track in the soundtrack beautifully complements the different stages of Sarah and Alex's relationship, from the initial heartbreak to the hopeful reunion, creating a cohesive and engaging musical experience.

Richard Johnson

The soundtrack of One More Chance strikes a balance between melancholy and hope, mirroring the complex emotions of Sarah and Alex as they confront their past and strive for a better future together. The music elevates the storytelling, making the audience truly invested in the outcome of their love story.

Paul Baker

Overall, the music in One More Chance is a powerful storytelling tool that enhances the themes of love, forgiveness, and second chances. It sets the tone for the emotional rollercoaster that Sarah and Alex embark on, making their journey all the more compelling and engaging for the audience.