Our Beloved Month of August is a film that blurs the line between documentary and fiction, set in a small village in Portugal during the month of August. The film follows a director who is making a movie about a love story between a father and daughter, but as the filming progresses, the lines between reality and fiction become increasingly blurred.
The film captures the essence of the village's traditional festivities, including music festivals and bullfights, while also exploring the relationships between the characters involved in the film within the film. As the director struggles to navigate the complexities of the story he is trying to tell, tensions rise and the boundaries between truth and fiction begin to dissolve.
Through its unique blend of documentary and fiction, Our Beloved Month of August offers a thought-provoking exploration of storytelling, truth, and the blurred lines between reality and fiction.
Play | Title | Artist |
Our Beloved Month of August
Baile de Verão
Sónia Bandeira:
A Minha Guitarra
Sónia Bandeira:
Um amor com outro amor
Meu Quierido Més de Agosto
Sónia Bandeira:
Morrer de Amor
Sónia Bandeira: