Patita Soundtrack (

Patita Soundtrack (1980) cover

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A young woman, forced to live the life of sex worker after the death of her parents, loses her faith in life and human beings in general when her brother dies. Three young persons fall in love with her, a spoilt alcoholic who lives life on the edge and dies as a result of excessive alcoholism, a schoolteacher who involuntarily is made responsible for the death of the lady's school going brother, and the college student whose simplicity and naiveté wins the heart of the sex worker. Amidst parental pressure and social obstacles, the student marries the sex worker, thus completing the cycle of life and giving her societal respect.

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Play Title Artist
Amour plastique
My Kind of Woman
Honey, No Estás
Never Not
Who (feat. BTS)
i'm tired of feeling this way
Paper Hearts
Play Date
Sweet Night