Perdiamoci di vista Soundtrack (

Perdiamoci di vista Soundtrack (1994) cover

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Rating: 6.20/10 from 1100 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Perdiamoci di vista

Title in Italiano:

Perdiamoci di vista

Title in Português:

Perdiamoci di vista


Gepy is a famous host of a very popular Italian talk show in Rome. On the talk show, in which the serious problems of the Italians of the lower middle class are (trivially) analyzed, one day a disabled girl who is forced in a wheelchair is invited to participate. The young girl named Arianna immediately discovers the careless manner that Gepy uses to analyze the problems of the participants, because he almost uses them as puppets to advertise himself. When she has the courage to put a bad light on Gepy's character, the audience immediately falls and the program closes. Gepy gets fired, but fate between him and Arianna is yet to be fulfilled.

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Perdiamoci di vista

User reviews

Sarah Green

I found the soundtrack of Perdiamoci di vista to be quite underwhelming and uninspiring. The music did not effectively convey the emotions of the scenes and felt disconnected from the story being told.

Steven Young

The soundtrack of Perdiamoci di vista perfectly captures the emotional depth of the storyline, enhancing the viewer's connection to the characters and their struggles.

David Lee

The use of melodies and harmonies in the soundtrack of Perdiamoci di vista adds a layer of complexity to the storytelling, enriching the overall viewing experience.

James Smith

The music composition in the film effectively reflects the tension and drama of the narrative, creating a captivating atmosphere that keeps the audience engaged throughout.

Elizabeth Gonzalez

The composition and arrangement of the music in Perdiamoci di vista are truly exceptional. The use of different instruments and musical styles effectively conveys the shifting moods and conflicts within the narrative. The soundtrack not only complements the storytelling but also elevates it, adding layers of depth and poignancy to the characters' journeys. It's a testament to the power of music in enhancing the emotional impact of a visual narrative.

Margaret Williams

The seamless integration of music with the on-screen action in the film showcases the skillful craftsmanship of the composers, bringing out the nuances of each scene with precision.

Mary White

Overall, the soundtrack of Perdiamoci di vista is a standout element of the film, adding depth, emotion, and atmosphere to the storytelling in a truly impactful way.

George Wilson

The haunting melodies in certain scenes evoke a sense of melancholy and introspection, resonating with the audience long after the film ends.

Donna Roberts

The soundtrack of Perdiamoci di vista perfectly captures the emotional depth of the story, enhancing the tension and drama in key moments.

James Thompson

The choice of songs in the soundtrack seemed out of place and did not enhance the overall viewing experience. It often felt like the music was added as an afterthought rather than carefully curated to complement the narrative.

Andrew Hall

The dynamic range of the soundtrack, from quiet and contemplative moments to intense and powerful crescendos, showcases the versatility and artistry of the composer.

Carol Moore

The lack of a cohesive musical theme throughout the film made it difficult to stay engaged with the story. The soundtrack failed to create a memorable and immersive atmosphere, leaving me feeling disconnected from the characters and their journey.

George Mitchell

The soundtrack of Perdiamoci di vista showcases a diverse range of musical styles and moods, catering to the varied emotional moments depicted in the story with finesse.

Richard Smith

The use of different musical motifs throughout the film creates a cohesive and immersive experience for the audience, drawing us further into the narrative.

Anthony Lopez

The memorable themes and motifs present in the film's soundtrack linger in the mind long after the movie ends, underscoring the powerful impact of music in conveying the themes and messages of the story.

Michael Anderson

The soundtrack's blend of traditional Italian melodies with contemporary arrangements gives the film a unique and memorable musical identity.

Nancy Jackson

The music composition skillfully reflects the internal struggles of the characters, adding layers of complexity to their journeys.

Linda Lopez

The soundtrack of Perdiamoci di vista perfectly captures the emotional intensity and complexity of the storyline. The music enhances every scene, evoking a wide range of feelings from empathy to tension, making the viewing experience truly immersive. Each track is carefully crafted to resonate with the characters' inner struggles and the evolving dynamics between them.