Police Rescue Soundtrack (

Police Rescue Soundtrack (1989) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 580 votes
Tags: euphemism, police rescue
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:


Title in Italiano:

Polizia squadra soccorso

Title in Português:

Police Rescue


Police Rescue is a unique blend of character driven drama and fast paced action adventure. The Police Rescue Squad are the real heroes of the Police Service and handle a strikingly wide range of work from road accidents to train disasters to the prevention of suicides--the Squad are constantly putting their lives on the line to save others. The series deals with the dramas that surround rescue work, the unique characters attached to it and the humour of the after-hours lives of the Squad's colourful personalities. Stunningly filmed action sequences in and around Sydney, tender and engaging personal stories at it's centre, Police Rescue is a series that will keep you on the edge of your seat--and touch your heart.

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Police Rescue

User reviews

Karen Taylor

The music enhances the drama and tension of the rescue missions, creating a sense of urgency and adrenaline that keeps viewers engaged.

Elizabeth Hill

Overall, the soundtrack of Police Rescue is a powerful and essential component of the series, enhancing every aspect of the storytelling and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Jennifer Moore

The emotional depth of the music enhances the tender and engaging personal stories of the characters, making them even more relatable.

Paul Lee

The emotional depth of the music adds another layer to the character-driven drama of the series, allowing viewers to connect with the struggles and triumphs of the Squad members.

Robert Baker

The soundtrack seamlessly blends with the stunningly filmed action sequences, creating a truly immersive viewing experience.

Ronald Martin

The variety of musical styles in the soundtrack reflects the diverse range of situations the Police Rescue Squad encounters, from high-speed chases to emotional rescues.

Joseph Lopez

The soundtrack strikes a balance between heart-pounding action sequences and poignant personal moments, creating a rich and dynamic listening experience.

James Rodriguez

I found the soundtrack of Police Rescue to be quite lackluster and uninspiring. The music did not seem to effectively enhance the emotional impact of the scenes and often felt disconnected from the action on screen.

William Taylor

The soundtrack's ability to capture both the drama and the humor of the Squad's lives showcases its versatility and emotional range.

William Mitchell

Additionally, I felt that the repetitive use of certain musical motifs became tiresome and monotonous after a while. It seemed like there was a limited range of musical styles and themes explored in the soundtrack, which made the viewing experience feel somewhat repetitive and predictable.

Michael Baker

The music evokes a sense of heroism and bravery, perfectly complementing the theme of the real heroes within the Police Service.

Robert Brown

Overall, the Police Rescue's soundtrack is a masterful work of art that elevates the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Patricia Miller

Each track in the soundtrack feels purposeful and integral to the storytelling, enhancing the overall impact of the series.

George Moore

The soundtrack of Police Rescue perfectly captures the intense and emotional moments of the series. The music enhances the action sequences, making them even more thrilling and engaging. It creates a sense of urgency and tension that keeps me on the edge of my seat throughout the show.

Thomas Clark

The emotional depth of the soundtrack is truly moving. The music beautifully underscores the personal stories of the characters, adding a layer of poignancy and depth to their experiences. It evokes a range of emotions, from heart-pounding excitement to heartfelt empathy, making the series a truly immersive and unforgettable experience.

Nancy Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Police Rescue perfectly captures the intensity and emotion of the show's action-packed scenes.

Linda Evans

The music brings an extra layer of authenticity to the series, making the characters and their struggles feel even more real.

Dorothy Young

The dynamic compositions keep the audience on the edge of their seats, mirroring the unpredictable nature of the Squad's work.

Mark Green

The use of music in Police Rescue is masterful, heightening the impact of key scenes and drawing viewers into the world of the show.

Kenneth Hill

The Police Rescue's soundtrack perfectly captures the intensity and adrenaline of the action-packed scenes in the series.

James Lee

The diverse range of musical styles in the soundtrack reflects the variety of situations the Rescue Squad faces, adding layers of complexity to the storytelling.