"Ponthan Mada" is a Malayalam film directed by T.V. Chandran. The film is set in the early 1940s in a village in Kerala, India. It tells the story of a friendship between a lower-caste Hindu man named Ponthan Mada and a high-caste Christian woman named Marykkutty.
The film explores themes of caste discrimination, social hierarchy, and religious tolerance. Ponthan Mada, who works as a servant in Marykkutty's household, develops a deep bond with her and becomes a father figure to her children. However, their friendship is met with opposition from society due to their different castes and religions.
As the story unfolds, Ponthan Mada's unconditional love and loyalty towards Marykkutty challenges the norms of the society they live in. The film delves into the complexities of their relationship and the struggles they face in a society that is deeply divided by caste and religion.
"Ponthan Mada" is a poignant and thought-provoking film that sheds light on the injustices and prejudices that exist in Indian society. It is a powerful portrayal of the strength of human relationships and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.