"Prayer of the Rollerboys" is a 1990 science fiction film that follows the story of a young boy named Griffin who gets involved with a group of rollerblading extremists known as the Rollerboys. The Rollerboys are a gang that controls the drug trade in Los Angeles and recruits young people to join their ranks. Griffin's brother, who is a police officer, tries to convince him to leave the Rollerboys and help bring them down. As Griffin becomes more involved with the Rollerboys, he starts to question their motives and ultimately must make a decision about where his loyalties lie.
Play | Title | Artist |
Prayer of the Rollerboys
Head Like A Hole
Pavane Pour Une Infant Defunte
Steve Schiff:
Nagah 2
Steve Schiff:
Voice of Seth
Steve Schiff:
King Kong Five
Mano Negra:
Blown Away
Dave Allen: