Primeval: New World is a Canadian science fiction television series that follows a team of scientists and animal experts as they investigate and capture prehistoric and futuristic creatures that have come through anomalies in time and space.
The show is a spin-off of the British series Primeval and is set in Vancouver, British Columbia. The team, led by Evan Cross, must work together to protect the public from these dangerous creatures while also trying to understand the anomalies and their origins.
Primeval: New World explores themes of evolution, extinction, and the consequences of tampering with nature. The team faces challenges both from the creatures they encounter and from within their own ranks as they struggle to keep the anomalies under control.
The series ran for one season in 2012 and was praised for its special effects and suspenseful storytelling. Fans of the original Primeval series will enjoy this new take on the concept of time-traveling creatures and the dangers they pose to modern society.