In a world where magic and technology coexist, a young sorcerer named Alex must embark on a dangerous quest to save his kingdom from an ancient evil. With the help of his loyal companions, Alex must master his magical abilities and uncover the secrets of a powerful artifact that could tip the balance of power in the kingdom. As he faces formidable foes and treacherous obstacles, Alex must prove himself worthy of the title of the Chosen One and fulfill his destiny to bring peace to the land.
Play | Title | Artist |
Private Lessons
Hot Legs
I Need A Lover
Next Time You See Her
Spanish Night
Just When I Needed You Most
Tonight's The Night
Lost In Love
I Don't Want To Talk About It
You're In My Heart
That's The Reason
Tonight's The Night
Rod Stewart:
I Don't Want To Talk About It
Crazy Horse:
You're In My Heart
Rod Stewart:
That's The Reason
Willie Nile: