Producing Adults Soundtrack (

Producing Adults Soundtrack (2004) cover

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Title in Español:

Producing Adults

Title in Italiano:

Producing Adults

Title in Português:

Produzindo Adultos

Title in Français:

Producing Adults

Title in Türk:

Producing Adults


The long-time couple, Venla and Antero, find themselves in a serious stalemate. After years with Antero, Venla wants to start a family, but her boyfriend, worried that fatherhood will stifle his speed skating career, secretly has a vasectomy. Determined to have a child, Venla seeks the help of a fertility doctor, a decision that opens up new possibilities for the mother-to-be when she falls in love with the doctor.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Producing Adults
Sauvo Puhtila: Lyrics
Lasse Mårtenson: Composer
Timo Hietala: Arrangement
Aija Puurtinen: Performer
Toiset meistä
Rauno Lehtinen: Composer
Timo Hietala: Arrangement
Mikko Haljoki: Lyrics
Låt mig vara
Timo Hietala: Composed and arranged
Marika Tuhkala: Performer
Marika Tuhkala: Performer
Etchnic Shopping
Timo Hietala: Composed and arranged
I'm In Heaven
Timo Hietala: Composed, arranged and lyrics
Kauppaopiston naiset
Kari Peitsamo: Performer
Kari Peitsamo: Composed and lyrics
Just My Situation
Jim Pembroke: Composed and lyrics
Wigwam: Performer
Samuli Putro: Arrangement
Samuli Putro: Composed and lyrics
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