Promise of Pisa Soundtrack (

Promise of Pisa Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 6.70/10 from 984 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

De Belofte van Pisa

Title in Italiano:

De belofte van Pisa

Title in Português:

De belofte van Pisa


Promise of Pisa

Smart second generation Amsterdam Moroccan Samir 'Sam' Zafar adores big brother Mohammed 'Mo', who makes him promise to become the family's first graduate, being gifted enough to enter a famous music school as trumpeter. Sam spares no effort after me gets arrested and jailed for drug robbery, and even makes posh, rich autochthonous friends: shy IJsbrand Versluys and his sister Iris, who becomes his lover. Sam never learned to musical notation and is ready to throw everything away when Mo gets convicted to a long jail term after betrayal by his accomplice, and seems to have lost all interest in Sam and his career, but the tide turns.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Promise of Pisa
Posso Venire
La Promessa I
Giustizia I
Mio Fratello I
Acustica Splendida
La Piscina
Giustizia II
La Prova di Canto Ostinato
Anne Frank
Da Bossa
Donde Lieta Uscì
Mio Fratello II
La Promessa II
Giustizia Finale
Een Nieuw Begin

User reviews

Kenneth Anderson

The variety of musical styles and genres in the soundtrack of Promise of Pisa showcases the diversity and complexity of the characters' experiences, making it a rich and dynamic listening experience.

George Harris

Overall, the soundtrack of Promise of Pisa succeeds in creating a compelling and immersive atmosphere that complements the narrative, making it a memorable and impactful aspect of the film.

Melissa Thompson

The use of trumpet melodies in the soundtrack adds a unique and beautiful touch to the overall music, reflecting the main character's passion for music and his journey to fulfill his promise to his brother.

Thomas Hall

The incorporation of modern and classical elements in the music showcases the complexity of the characters' relationships and inner conflicts, providing a rich auditory experience for the audience.

John Johnson

The soundtrack of Promise of Pisa effectively sets the tone for each scene, creating a compelling and immersive experience for the audience, drawing them deeper into the story.

Sarah King

The use of traditional Moroccan music in the soundtrack adds an authentic cultural layer to the film, reflecting the protagonist's heritage and struggles.

Mary Lewis

The trumpet compositions in the soundtrack beautifully symbolize Sam's passion for music and his dedication to fulfilling his promise to his brother, creating a poignant and uplifting atmosphere.

David Scott

The music is incredibly diverse, blending traditional Moroccan sounds with modern beats and melodies, creating a unique and captivating listening experience that stays with you long after the movie ends.

Margaret Martinez

The soundtrack of Promise of Pisa perfectly captures the emotional depth and intensity of the story, enhancing every scene with its powerful music.

Sarah Green

The soundtrack of Promise of Pisa effectively captures the emotional journey of the characters, enhancing the storytelling with its diverse musical arrangements.

Dorothy Wilson

Each track in the soundtrack feels carefully curated to evoke a specific mood or moment in the film, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers behind the music.

Karen Hernandez

The soundtrack of Promise of Pisa perfectly captures the emotional journey of the characters, enhancing the storytelling with its powerful and evocative music.