Proven Innocent is a legal drama television series that follows the story of Madeline Scott, a fierce and fearless lawyer who was wrongfully convicted of a crime she didn't commit. After spending ten years in prison, Madeline is determined to seek justice for others who have been wrongly accused.
As Madeline and her team at the Injustice Defense Group take on new cases, they face challenges from both the legal system and the public. With the help of her exonerated brother, a tech-savvy investigator, and a former prosecutor, Madeline fights to prove the innocence of those who have been unfairly judged.
Proven Innocent explores themes of redemption, perseverance, and the flaws of the justice system. The series delves into the complexities of the legal world and the personal struggles of those who have been labeled as criminals. Will Madeline and her team be able to uncover the truth and bring justice to those who have been wronged?