Radiation House Soundtrack (

Radiation House Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 6.90/10 from 117 votes
Tags: radiology, ct scan
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Title in Español:

Radiation House

Title in Italiano:

Radiation House

Title in Português:

Radiation House


Radiation House is a medical manga series that follows the story of Iori Igarashi, a young radiology technician who is known for his exceptional skills in diagnosing patients. One day, Iori is assigned to work at a hospital's radiology department where he meets the eccentric and unpredictable radiologist, Dr. Natsume. Despite their contrasting personalities, the two must work together to solve challenging medical cases and save lives.

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Radiation House

User reviews

Paul Wright

The soundtrack of Radiation House perfectly captures the intensity and drama of the medical scenes, enhancing the emotions and tension of each moment. The powerful orchestral arrangements and melodic themes create a captivating and immersive listening experience.

Donald Hill

The music in Radiation House conveys a sense of teamwork, dedication, and perseverance, mirroring the challenges and triumphs faced by the characters in the series. The uplifting and inspirational tones of the soundtrack resonate with the themes of friendship and professional growth, making it a truly memorable and impactful aspect of the show.

Linda Wilson

Some of the tracks in the soundtrack felt repetitive and monotonous, lacking the variety and dynamics needed to enhance the storytelling and character development within the series. I felt that the music failed to create a memorable and immersive listening experience.

Betty Smith

The music in Radiation House effectively sets the tone for the interactions between Iori and Dr. Natsume, reflecting their contrasting personalities and the dynamic relationship they share. The soundscapes created by the soundtrack add depth to the characters and make their development more compelling.

Linda Turner

On the other hand, the soundtrack of Radiation House lacks a certain uniqueness or standout quality that would make it memorable or particularly remarkable. While it serves its purpose adequately, it doesn't leave a lasting impression or add a distinctive element to the overall viewing experience.

Nancy Jackson

The soundtrack of Radiation House is a decent accompaniment to the medical drama, providing a subtle and atmospheric backdrop to the intense and critical moments in the series. The music does a good job of enhancing the emotions of the scenes without being too overpowering or distracting.

Richard Jones

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack of Radiation House showcase a great attention to detail and creativity, enhancing the overall viewing experience. The music seamlessly integrates with the storyline, creating a cohesive and immersive atmosphere that enhances the storytelling.

Ashley Thompson

In my opinion, the overall production quality of the soundtrack was subpar. The sound mixing and mastering seemed off at times, resulting in a disjointed and unpolished audio experience that detracted from the overall enjoyment of the manga series.

Linda King

I found the soundtrack of Radiation House to be quite generic and uninspiring. The music did not seem to capture the emotional depth and intensity of the medical drama portrayed in the manga series.

Carol Lee

The soundtrack of Radiation House perfectly captures the intensity and suspense of the medical cases presented in the series. Each track enhances the emotional impact of the scenes and keeps viewers engaged throughout.