Scrubs is a medical comedy-drama television series that follows the lives of several employees working at Sacred Heart, a teaching hospital. The show primarily focuses on the experiences of John "J.D." Dorian, a young and idealistic intern, as he navigates through the challenges of his medical career.
Throughout the series, J.D. is joined by his best friend and fellow intern, Christopher Turk, as well as the no-nonsense head nurse, Carla Espinosa. The show also features the quirky and sarcastic Dr. Perry Cox, who serves as a mentor to J.D. despite his gruff exterior.
Scrubs is known for its unique blend of humor and heart, as it tackles serious medical issues while also delivering laugh-out-loud moments. The show has been praised for its realistic portrayal of the medical profession, as well as its memorable characters and witty dialogue.
Over the course of its nine seasons, Scrubs has garnered a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim, solidifying its place as a beloved television series.