Redline is a high-octane animated film that follows the story of JP, a daredevil racer who enters the most dangerous and prestigious race in the universe, the Redline. Set in a futuristic world where advanced technology and alien races coexist, JP must navigate through treacherous tracks and fierce competitors to claim victory.
As the race progresses, JP uncovers a conspiracy that threatens not only his life but the entire galaxy. With the help of his mechanic and love interest, Sonoshee, JP must push his limits and defy all odds to survive the Redline and expose the truth behind the race.
Featuring stunning visuals, adrenaline-pumping action sequences, and a killer soundtrack, Redline is a thrilling ride from start to finish that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
Play | Title | Artist |
When God Comes Back
Hook, Line & Sinker
The Way You Used To Do
Shoot Me Again
Break the System
North Memphis
South Memphis