ReLIFE is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yayoiso. The story follows Arata Kaizaki, a 27-year-old unemployed man who is given the opportunity to participate in a mysterious experiment called the ReLIFE program. Through this program, he is transformed into a 17-year-old and sent back to high school to relive his youth and make better choices.
As Arata navigates his new life as a high school student, he forms relationships with his classmates and learns valuable lessons about friendship, love, and personal growth. Along the way, he must confront his past mistakes and come to terms with his own insecurities.
With its engaging storyline and relatable characters, ReLIFE explores themes of redemption, second chances, and the importance of self-discovery. The series has received critical acclaim for its emotional depth and thought-provoking narrative, making it a must-read for fans of coming-of-age stories.