ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke is a documentary film that explores the life and mysterious death of legendary soul singer Sam Cooke. The film delves into the two killings of Cooke - the first being his tragic murder in 1964 at the age of 33, and the second being the killing of his legacy and reputation in the years following his death.
The documentary examines Cooke's rise to fame as a pioneering artist in the music industry, his activism in the civil rights movement, and the controversies surrounding his personal life. It also sheds light on the circumstances surrounding his untimely death, raising questions about the official narrative and uncovering new evidence that suggests foul play.
Through interviews with friends, family, and music industry insiders, ReMastered: The Two Killings of Sam Cooke paints a complex portrait of a talented and influential artist whose legacy continues to resonate today.