Revenir is a powerful and emotional film that tells the story of two childhood friends, Alex and Alain, who reunite after many years apart. Alex, a successful lawyer, returns to his hometown to visit Alain, who has been struggling with addiction and homelessness. As they reconnect, they are forced to confront their past and the choices that have led them to where they are today.
The film explores themes of friendship, redemption, and the impact of trauma on our lives. Through flashbacks, we see the bond that Alex and Alain shared as children and how it was broken by a tragic event. As they navigate their complicated relationship in the present, they must come to terms with the mistakes they have made and find a way to reconnect and heal from their shared pain.
Revenir is a moving and thought-provoking film that will leave audiences reflecting on the power of forgiveness and the importance of reconciliation in our lives.