Riding Bean is a Japanese anime film that follows the story of Bean Bandit, a skilled getaway driver who operates in Chicago. Bean is hired by a wealthy businessman to transport his daughter, Chelsea, to her mother's house. However, things take a turn for the worse when Chelsea is kidnapped and Bean is framed for the crime.
As Bean races against time to clear his name and rescue Chelsea, he must navigate through a web of deceit and betrayal. With the help of his partner, Rally Vincent, a skilled gunsmith and mechanic, Bean sets out to uncover the truth behind the kidnapping and bring the real culprits to justice.
Riding Bean is a fast-paced action film filled with car chases, gunfights, and suspense. The dynamic duo of Bean and Rally make for a thrilling ride as they outsmart their enemies and fight to protect the innocent. Will Bean be able to prove his innocence and save Chelsea before it's too late?
Play | Title | Artist |
Riding Bean
Road Buster
Runnin' The Road
Phil Perry: