Rock Haven Soundtrack (

Rock Haven Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rock Haven

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Rock Haven

Title in Português:

Rock Haven


Brady (Sean Hoagland), who will shortly be going away to college, is a shy, introspective 18 year old, who moves to the coastal seaside town of Rock Haven with his overprotective, widowed mother Marty (Laura Jane Coles), who is setting up a Christian school nearby. He spends a lot of time on the beach, either reading the bible or staring at the waves crashing on shore, until he meets a neighbour's free- spirited visiting son, 19 year old Clifford (Owen Alabado). There is an instant attraction to each other, even though homosexuality conflicts with Brady's devoutly Christian beliefs. Brady has struggled with his feelings before and spends a lot of time showering, as if to scrub these feelings away. He seeks advice from his pastor (played by David Lewis, the director), who tries to reassure him by emphasising biblical texts which portray God as non-condemnatory love. Brady's mother, sensing that something is wrong, tries to fix him up with a nice Christian girl - who knows immediately that he is not interested in her because he isn't staring down her dress. Because Brady is obviously uncomfortable around girls, Clifford teaches him some moves. During one such session, Clifford feels Brady's crotch; Brady jumps away, and Clifford teases him that he is aroused. Brady avoids Clifford for a while, but then starts hanging out with him again and they bond over junk food. Clifford respects Brady's faith and takes an interest in the Bible that Brady has given him as a present. Eventually, they sleep together. Brady had told his mother that he had being driven to a church sleepover by Peggy. When he returns the next day, she tells him that Peggy was in a car accident and confronts him about what is happening. He tells her that he is gay and she reacts by trying to get him to go to a camp to "fix" him. All good things come to an end and so does this summer.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Rock Haven
Loud, Loud, Loud
The Four Horsemen
The Lamb
The Seventh Seal
Aegian Sea
Seven Bowls
The Wakening Beast
The Marching Beast
The Battle Of The Locusts
Do It
The Beast
The Wedding Of The Lamb
The Capture Of The Beast
00 - Infinity Symbol
Hic And Nunc
All The Seats Were Occupied
Young Mother - 2018 Remaster
Back Street Luv - 2018 Remaster
Jumbo - 2018 Remaster
You Know - 2018 Remaster
Puppets - 2018 Remaster
Everdance - 2018 Remaster
Bright Summer's Day '68 - 2018 Remaster
Piece of Mind - 2018 Remaster
Marie Antoinette - Remastered
Melinda (More or Less) - Remastered
Not Quite The Same - Remastered
Cheetah - Remastered
Ultra-Vivaldi - Remastered
Phantasmagoria - Remastered
Whose Shoulder Are You Looking Over Anyway? - Remastered
Over And Above - Remastered
Once A Ghost, Always A Ghost - Remastered
Sarah's Concern - Bonus Track
It Happened Today - Remastered
Stretch - Remastered
Screw - Remastered
Blind Man - Remastered
Vivaldi - Remastered
Hide and Seek - Remastered
Propositions - Remastered
Rob One - Remastered
Situations - Remastered
Vivaldi with Cannons - Remastered
Thinking on the Floor
What Happens When You Blow Yourself Up?
The Purple Speed Queen - Remastered
Elfin Boy - Remastered
Metamorphosis - Remastered
World - Remastered
Armin - Remastered
UHF - Remastered
Two Three Two - Remastered
Easy - Remastered
Woman on a One Night Stand - Remastered
Day Breaks My Heart - Remastered