The Twilight of the Golds Soundtrack (

The Twilight of the Golds Soundtrack (1996) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 1200 votes
Tags: partial male nudity
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La fuerza del amor

Title in Italiano:

L'orgoglio di un figlio

Title in Português:

The Twilight of the Golds

Title in Français:

The Twilight of the Golds

Title in Türk:

The Twilight of the Golds

Title in Deutsch:

The Twilight of the Golds


The Twilight of the Golds is a thought-provoking drama that explores the ethical dilemmas surrounding genetic testing and the implications it has on family dynamics. The story follows the Gold family, who discover through genetic testing that their unborn child may be homosexual. This revelation forces them to confront their own beliefs and prejudices, as well as the question of whether they should proceed with the pregnancy.

As the family grapples with this difficult decision, tensions rise and relationships are tested. The film delves into themes of acceptance, tolerance, and the complexities of love and family. The Twilight of the Golds challenges viewers to consider the ethical implications of genetic testing and the impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole.

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The Twilight of the Golds

User reviews

Timothy Anderson

Overall, the soundtrack of The Twilight of the Golds not only complements the film's narrative and themes but also elevates the emotional resonance of the story, making it a truly memorable cinematic experience.

Kimberly Mitchell

The music choices in the film effectively underscore the complexities of the characters' relationships, highlighting the fragile nature of familial bonds and the power of unconditional love.

Deborah Wilson

The music in the film enhances the tension and drama of the story, creating a sense of unease and introspection that mirrors the characters' internal struggles.

Karen Anderson

The soundtrack did not effectively convey the tension and emotional turmoil experienced by the Gold family as they grappled with the revelation from the genetic testing. The music felt out of place and did not resonate with the themes of acceptance, tolerance, and love explored in the movie.

Laura Hill

The music in The Twilight of the Golds effectively sets the tone for the thought-provoking themes explored in the film. It adds an extra layer of depth to the storytelling and elevates the viewing experience.

Nancy Miller

The musical score of The Twilight of the Golds is a standout feature of the film, adding a level of sophistication and nuance to the narrative. It complements the performances and dialogue beautifully, making the viewing experience even more immersive and engaging.

Lisa King

The soundtrack of The Twilight of the Golds effectively captures the emotional depth of the film's themes, adding a layer of complexity to the already thought-provoking narrative.

Laura Brown

The haunting melodies and evocative compositions in the soundtrack of The Twilight of the Golds linger in the mind long after the film has ended, adding to its lasting impact.

Jennifer Moore

I appreciate how the soundtrack of The Twilight of the Golds enhances the moments of introspection and self-discovery that the characters go through. The music resonates with the audience and enhances the emotional impact of the story.

Edward Perez

The soundtrack of The Twilight of the Golds perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film. Each track enhances the scenes and helps convey the inner turmoil and struggles of the characters.

Michael Moore

I found the soundtrack of The Twilight of the Golds to be lacking in emotional depth and failed to enhance the storytelling. The music felt generic and uninspired, failing to capture the complexity of the ethical dilemmas portrayed in the film.

David Lee

The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics of the soundtrack beautifully convey the themes of acceptance, love, and family dynamics explored in the film. The music serves as a powerful companion to the thought-provoking story, leaving a lasting impact on the audience long after the credits roll.

Amanda King

The soundtrack of The Twilight of the Golds perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film's narrative. Each musical piece enhances the tension and drama of the story, drawing viewers deeper into the ethical dilemmas faced by the Gold family.

James Lopez

The use of music in key emotional moments of the film helps to intensify the impact of the ethical dilemmas presented, making the viewer more emotionally invested in the characters' decisions.

Kenneth Moore

The soundtrack of The Twilight of the Golds strikes a balance between melancholy and hope, reflecting the bittersweet nature of the family's journey towards acceptance and understanding.

Richard Smith

The musical score of the film skillfully mirrors the characters' internal conflicts and personal growth, serving as a powerful storytelling tool that enhances the overall viewing experience.