Rockabilly Baby Soundtrack (

Rockabilly Baby Soundtrack (2009) cover

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Title in Español:

Rockabilly Baby

Title in Italiano:

Rockabilly Baby

Title in Português:

Rockabilly Baby

Title in Français:

Rockabilly Baby

Title in Türk:

Rockabilly Baby

Title in Deutsch:

Rockabilly Baby


It rolled out of Memphis and took the world by surprise. It was a time when Jerry Lee Lewis, with his boogie-style piano playing and flashy performances, was a living legend until he married his thirteen-year-old cousin and caused a national scandal. It was a time when a young Elvis Presley was involved in the legendary Sun label recording sessions and with his tough good looks and sexual gyrations, was creating a phenomenon known as the rock Concert. It was a time when Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly, Little Richard and the Everly Brothers were combining Negro rhythm and blues with a country-western sound and 'tearin' it up' all over the Southeast. They all played at one time or another, at the Nashville Jubilee in Nashville, Tennessee. The Nashville Jubilee is known today as the "Birthplace of the Stars". Baby Boy Watkins, a piano playing combination of Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard and Elvis, finally gets his big break and is invited to play the Nashville Jubilee. His manager, Dirty Dawkins, has set up his visit to the Nashville Jubilee followed immediately by a sold out performance at the Worlds Fair in New Orleans. However, Baby Boy's sister, Jollene, shows up backstage at the Jubilee and makes an impassioned plea for Baby Boy to return home with her. "ROCKABILLY BABY" is a roller coaster ride of emotions, chock full of all original rockabilly music... It was the birth of what we call today, Rock and Roll, set to the tune of a heart wrenching great story. It was the ROCKABILLY ERA... When it was over,... Nothing was ever quite the same. "As long as you have your music... You've got a shot."

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Rockabilly Baby
Baby Blues
Backseat Bingo