Rocky VI Soundtrack (

Rocky VI Soundtrack (1986) cover

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Rating: 5.90/10 from 996 votes
Tags: balalaika
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Rocky VI

Title in Italiano:

Rocky VI

Title in Português:

Rocky VI

Title in Français:

Rocky VI

Title in Türk:

Rocky VI

Title in Deutsch:

Rocky VI


Definitely not to be confused with any of Sylvester Stallone's efforts, this is a wicked satire on 'Rocky IV', in which Rocky takes on the monolithic Russian fighter Igor - and loses. Kaurismaeki describes the film as "my revenge on Mr.Stallone, who I think is an asshole".

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Rocky VI
Rocky VI
Nicky Tesco: Lyrics
Nicky Tesco: Vocals
T.T. Oksala: Arrangement
Sleepy Sleepers: Performer
Silu Seppälä: Composer