Rubí Soundtrack (

Rubí Soundtrack (2004) cover

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Rubi is a young woman who captivates many of her fellow students from the university with her beauty and charm, which many girls envy and many guys desire. Besides her beauty, Rubi is also very poor. Her mother Refugio and sister Cristina are her only family, and Cristina is the only one who works to pay the bills and part of Rubi's half-scholarship. Rubi becomes very ashamed of her poverty and despises her ghetto neighborhood. At college she makes friends with a wealthy but very naive girl, Maribel de la Fuente, who wears a brace on her right knee since being crippled since childhood. Behind Maribel's back Rubi envies her best friend and wants everything Maribel has. Because Rubi's ambition is too strong, Rubi will use her beauty to get anything she wants even if it means betraying those who love, her because Rubi doesn't love anyone but herself.

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La Descarada