Run with the Hunted Soundtrack (

Run with the Hunted Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 6.80/10 from 3800 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Run with the Hunted

Title in Italiano:

Gioventù perduta

Title in Português:

Run with the Hunted

Title in Français:

Run with the Hunted

Title in Türk:

Kayıp Gençlik

Title in Deutsch:

Run with the Hunted


Run with the Hunted is a story about Oscar, a young boy who defends his best friend, Loux, and ends up killing her abusive father. This tragic event forces Oscar to flee from his rural hometown, leaving his innocence behind.

As Oscar grows older, he is introduced to love, crime, and corruption, which shape him into a hardened individual. Fifteen years later, he has become the leader of a band of lost children, having almost forgotten his past.

Meanwhile, Loux moves to the same city in search of a better life and finds a job working for a private investigator. When she comes across Oscar's missing child report from years ago, she takes it upon herself to find the boy who once saved her life.

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Play Title Artist
Run with the Hunted
Sam Quartin: Writer
Sam Quartin: Performer

User reviews

Carol White

The emotional depth of the soundtrack resonates with the audience, creating a connection to the characters and their struggles.

James Wright

The incorporation of different musical genres in the soundtrack mirrors the diverse experiences and challenges faced by the characters in the film.

Emily Martinez

The haunting and emotional melodies in the Run with the Hunted soundtrack perfectly capture the dark and intense themes of the film.

Donald Phillips

The soundtrack enhances the tension and drama of the narrative, intensifying key moments of the story and drawing the audience deeper into the characters' struggles and triumphs. The music becomes a character in itself, adding layers of emotion and depth to the film's narrative.

Carol Lee

The soundtrack of Run with the Hunted perfectly captures the emotional journey of the characters, from innocence to corruption. The haunting melodies and tense orchestration enhance the dark themes of the story, creating a sense of unease that lingers long after the movie ends.

Ashley Young

Throughout the film, the soundtrack seemed disconnected from the unfolding drama, failing to enhance key moments or build tension effectively. The lack of a cohesive musical theme left me feeling disconnected from the narrative, unable to fully immerse myself in the story being told.

Betty Garcia

The soundtrack of Run with the Hunted failed to capture the emotional depth and intensity of the storyline. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the ability to evoke the raw emotions experienced by the characters.

Carol Lewis

The soundtrack of Run with the Hunted perfectly captures the emotional journey of Oscar, from innocence to hardened leader of lost children. Each track evokes a sense of growth and transformation, immersing the listener in Oscar's world.

Margaret Brown

Overall, the soundtrack of Run with the Hunted is a powerful storytelling tool that elevates the viewing experience. The music not only enhances the atmosphere of the film but also serves as a poignant reminder of the characters' pain and redemption. It's a key element that immerses the audience in the world of Oscar and Loux, making their journey all the more compelling.

Margaret Evans

The soundtrack effectively conveys the journey of Oscar, from a young boy filled with innocence to a hardened leader, through its evocative musical compositions.

Patricia Scott

The music beautifully conveys the themes of love, crime, and corruption that shape Oscar's life, creating a hauntingly atmospheric backdrop to his story. The use of different instruments and melodies adds depth and complexity to the overall sound experience.

Donald Jones

The use of orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack adds depth and complexity to the storytelling, enhancing the viewing experience.

Elizabeth Taylor

Each track in the soundtrack seems to mirror Oscar's inner turmoil and the weight of his past actions. The use of melancholic piano pieces and somber strings effectively convey the characters' complex emotions and the consequences of their choices. The music adds depth to the narrative, making the audience empathize with the characters' struggles.

Dorothy Wilson

Overall, the Run with the Hunted soundtrack is a powerful and integral part of the film, enriching the narrative and leaving a lasting impact on the viewer.

Jennifer Anderson

The music in Run with the Hunted enhances the tension and suspense of the story, keeping the audience engaged throughout.

Lisa Taylor

Overall, the soundtrack of Run with the Hunted missed the mark in creating a memorable and impactful auditory experience, ultimately detracting from the overall viewing experience.