Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen is a Japanese action-comedy film directed by Takeshi Kitano. The story follows Ryuzo, a retired yakuza boss who is living a quiet life in a nursing home. However, when his former gang is threatened by a new generation of criminals, Ryuzo decides to come out of retirement and reunite with his seven former henchmen to take on the new threat.
The film is a mix of humor and action, with Ryuzo and his henchmen using their old-school yakuza skills to outsmart and outfight the younger, more technologically advanced criminals. As they go on their mission, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, but their bond and experience ultimately help them overcome the odds.
Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen is a nostalgic and entertaining film that pays homage to classic yakuza movies while also adding a modern twist. It explores themes of loyalty, friendship, and the passage of time, making it a must-watch for fans of Japanese cinema.