Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection is a two-part OVA series that serves as a sequel to the Rurouni Kenshin anime series. The story follows Kenshin Himura, a former assassin known as the "Battosai," as he struggles to come to terms with his violent past and find redemption.
The first part of the OVA focuses on Kenshin's relationship with his wife, Kaoru Kamiya, and his inner turmoil as he realizes the impact his actions have had on those around him. As Kenshin grapples with his guilt and regrets, he must confront his past and make peace with the choices he has made.
In the second part of the OVA, Kenshin faces a new threat in the form of a vengeful enemy from his past. As he battles this formidable foe, Kenshin must once again confront his demons and find the strength to protect those he loves.
Rurouni Kenshin: Reflection is a poignant and emotional conclusion to Kenshin's story, exploring themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the enduring power of love and friendship.