Scarred Hearts Soundtrack (

Scarred Hearts Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 1200 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Italiano:

Scarred Hearts

Title in Português:

Scarred Hearts


"Scarred Hearts" is inspired by Romanian author Max Blecher's novel, which is set in 1937. It centers on Emanuel, a man in his early 20s, who spends his days at a sanatorium on the Black Sea coast, suffering from bone tuberculosis. Falling in love with another patient, he narrates his and his fellow patients' attempts to live life to the full as their bodies slowly wither but their minds refuse to give in. Blecher wrote the text, hailed as a masterpiece on publication in Romania in 1939, as autobiographical notes before he died, after 10 years of suffering, at the age of 29.

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Scarred Hearts

User reviews

Patricia King

The use of period-appropriate music and sound design in the soundtrack of Scarred Hearts adds an extra layer of authenticity to the film's setting in 1937. The choice of traditional Romanian folk music elements combined with modern compositions creates a unique and immersive auditory experience that enhances the emotional depth of the characters and the narrative.

Donald Hall

While the soundtrack of Scarred Hearts is undeniably well-crafted and thematically fitting, at times it feels overly repetitive and monotonous. The lack of variety in musical motifs and rhythms can make certain scenes blend together, diminishing the impact of key emotional moments. A more diverse and dynamic score could have added layers of complexity to the storytelling, creating a richer auditory experience for the audience.

Amanda Harris

The soundtrack of Scarred Hearts perfectly captures the haunting and melancholic atmosphere of the sanatorium setting. Each track immerses the listener in the emotional turmoil of the characters, enhancing the storytelling.

James Rodriguez

The soundtrack of Scarred Hearts beautifully captures the melancholic and introspective atmosphere of the film. The haunting melodies and delicate instrumentation perfectly complement the story of Emanuel and his fellow patients' struggle with illness and their determination to embrace life to the fullest despite their circumstances.

Richard Gonzalez

Overall, the soundtrack of Scarred Hearts missed an opportunity to enhance the storytelling and bring out the raw intensity of the characters' inner turmoil. Instead of adding depth and resonance to the narrative, the music fell short and left a sense of dissonance that overshadowed the film's poignant themes.

Robert Martin

The music beautifully complements the themes of love, suffering, and resilience portrayed in the film, elevating the overall impact of the storytelling and leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

Brian Perez

The soundtrack of Scarred Hearts failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' experiences in the sanatorium. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the haunting and melancholic tones that would have complemented the story of individuals battling with their deteriorating health.

Steven Evans

The use of modern instrumentation and composition techniques in the soundtrack felt out of place and disconnected from the historical setting of the film, set in 1937. This anachronistic approach detracted from the immersive experience of the audience, making it difficult to fully engage with the characters' struggles and emotions.

Jennifer Lee

The use of traditional Romanian music elements in the soundtrack adds an authentic and cultural depth to the film, creating a unique and memorable auditory experience for the audience.

Laura Wright

The soundtrack of Scarred Hearts effectively captures the melancholy and introspective atmosphere of the story. The haunting melodies and somber tones transport the listener to the bleak setting of the sanatorium, mirroring Emanuel's inner turmoil and the slow deterioration of his body. The music enhances the emotional depth of the film, immersing the audience in the characters' struggles and desires.