Schoolgirl Complex is a Japanese film that follows the story of a high school student named Kijima Yasubei. He becomes infatuated with a schoolgirl named Takigawa Natsuki, who he believes embodies the perfect schoolgirl image.
As Yasubei's obsession with Natsuki grows, he starts to stalk her and take photos of her without her knowledge. This behavior becomes increasingly disturbing as Yasubei's fixation on Natsuki becomes more intense.
Things take a dark turn when Yasubei's actions are discovered by Natsuki's friend, who confronts him about his behavior. Yasubei's obsession with Natsuki reaches a breaking point, leading to a shocking and tragic conclusion.
Schoolgirl Complex explores themes of obsession, voyeurism, and the dark side of infatuation. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of fixating on an idealized image of someone, and the consequences that can arise from such behavior.