Scissor Seven is a Chinese animated series that follows the story of a hairdresser named Seven who also happens to be an assassin with a pair of scissors as his weapon of choice.
The show is a mix of action, comedy, and drama as Seven takes on various missions while also trying to uncover his lost memories and true identity.
With a unique art style and quirky characters, Scissor Seven has gained a cult following for its blend of humor and heartwarming moments.
As Seven navigates the dangerous world of assassins and secret organizations, he must also confront his own past and the choices he has made along the way.
With each episode bringing new challenges and revelations, Scissor Seven keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow Seven's journey of self-discovery and redemption.
Play | Title | Artist |
Scissor Seven
剪刀刺客 - 动画《刺客伍六七》主题曲
亲爱的姑娘你为何要离开 - 动画《刺客伍六七》插曲
无论你多怪异我还是会喜欢你 - 《刺客伍六七》动画推广版片尾曲