Search for Justice Soundtrack (

Search for Justice Soundtrack (1996) cover

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Rating: 5.90/10 from 271 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Decisión fatal

Title in Italiano:

L'ultima vittima

Title in Français:

Justice maternelle

Title in Türk:

Justice maternelle


Justice for Annie: A Moment of Truth Movie

In this gripping drama, a young woman named Annie is brutally attacked and left for dead. As she fights for her life in the hospital, her family and friends rally around her, determined to seek justice for the heinous crime.

As the investigation unfolds, shocking secrets are revealed and the true identity of Annie's attacker comes to light. With the help of a dedicated detective, Annie's loved ones work tirelessly to ensure that the perpetrator is brought to justice.

Through the pain and heartache, Annie remains strong and determined to see her attacker held accountable for his actions. Will justice prevail in the end, or will Annie be forced to live with the trauma of her assault forever?

Join Annie on her journey to seek justice and find closure in this powerful and emotional film that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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Search for Justice

User reviews

William White

The soundtrack of Search for Justice skillfully conveys the resilience and determination of Annie and her loved ones as they fight for justice, inspiring hope and strength in the audience.

Michelle Phillips

The emotional crescendos and poignant moments in the soundtrack amplify the impact of key scenes, eliciting genuine emotional responses from the audience.

Timothy Jones

The musical themes in Justice for Annie evoke a range of emotions, from sorrow and anger to hope and triumph. The score mirrors the emotional journey of the characters, making the audience feel connected to their struggles and victories.

Daniel Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Search for Justice perfectly captures the emotional intensity of Annie's story, with haunting melodies and powerful orchestration that enhance the drama of the film.

Nancy Lee

The emotional depth of the Search for Justice soundtrack perfectly captures the intensity and heartbreak of Annie's journey to seek justice after a brutal attack.

Robert Carter

The music in Justice for Annie strikes a perfect balance between being supportive of the narrative and standing out on its own as a compelling and memorable musical work.

Stephanie Garcia

It seemed like the composer missed the mark in creating a cohesive and impactful musical backdrop for such a powerful and emotional story.

Donna Thompson

The music choices often felt out of place and distracted from the dramatic moments in the film, diminishing the impact of key scenes.

Melissa Campbell

The soundtrack of the film beautifully captures the complexities of seeking justice and finding closure, resonating with audiences on a deep and personal level.

Nancy Williams

The soundtrack of Search for Justice truly captured the emotional intensity of the story. The haunting melodies and powerful orchestration perfectly conveyed the pain, resilience, and determination of Annie and her loved ones as they fought for justice. Each track evoked a range of emotions, from sorrow to hope, making the viewing experience even more impactful.

Kimberly Rodriguez

Overall, the soundtrack of Search for Justice is a crucial element in enhancing the storytelling of the film, effectively underscoring the themes of perseverance, justice, and the power of community in the face of adversity. The music elevates the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impact on the audience.

Anthony Moore

The seamless integration of music with the on-screen action in the film creates a cohesive and immersive viewing experience, drawing the audience further into the story.

Richard Thompson

The music in Justice for Annie effectively conveys the resilience and determination of the characters as they navigate the challenges of seeking justice for a horrific crime. The score mirrors the strength and courage of Annie and her loved ones.

Karen Johnson

The soundtrack of Search for Justice skillfully builds tension and suspense throughout the film, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome of Annie's quest for justice. The music adds depth and emotion to each scene.

Matthew Hill

The music of Search for Justice added an extra layer of depth and emotion to the already gripping storyline. The way the soundtrack seamlessly integrated with the unfolding drama heightened the tension and suspense, drawing me further into the narrative. The memorable themes and motifs stayed with me long after the movie ended, leaving a lasting impression of the powerful message of seeking justice and finding closure.

Donna Parker

The soundtrack for Search for Justice felt uninspired and lacked emotional depth, failing to capture the intensity of Annie's struggle for justice.

George Wright

Overall, the Search for Justice soundtrack is a masterful blend of emotion, storytelling, and musical artistry that elevates the film to a truly unforgettable and impactful experience.

Matthew Martinez

The powerful melodies and haunting themes in the soundtrack evoke a strong sense of empathy for Annie and her quest for justice, making the audience feel deeply connected to the story.

Lisa Evans

The diversity of musical styles and instruments used in the score adds layers of complexity and richness to the overall listening experience, enhancing the storytelling of the film.