Shadow Fury is a story set in the near future where a groundbreaking discovery allows for the creation of genetically engineered and enhanced human clones. However, this leads to bio-ethical chaos and prompts the World Health Organization to impose a global ban on all human cloning activity.
At the Nova Corporation, a group of scientists has made remarkable progress in cloning research. But when a colleague named Dr. Oh develops an "Obedience Strain" that grants him mind control over the clones, Nova Corp expels him and revokes his license.
Seeking revenge on his partners, Dr. Oh creates a perfect killing machine in the form of Takeru, a killer ninja clone. Nova Corp catches wind of Dr. Oh's plan and sends a bounty hunter named Madsen to eliminate Dr. Oh, his laboratory, and any clones he has created.
With Takeru on the loose, Madsen faces a daunting task as he races against time to stop the clone from carrying out its deadly mission.