Probable Cause is a gripping legal thriller that follows the story of a young defense attorney, Sarah, who is assigned to defend a man accused of a brutal murder. As she delves deeper into the case, she uncovers evidence that points to her client's innocence. However, the prosecution is determined to convict him at all costs.
Sarah must navigate a web of lies and deceit to uncover the truth and prove her client's innocence. With the help of her mentor, a seasoned defense attorney, she fights against a corrupt system that is stacked against them. As the trial progresses, Sarah must confront her own doubts and fears while facing off against a ruthless prosecutor who will stop at nothing to secure a conviction.
Probable Cause is a thrilling tale of justice and redemption, where the line between right and wrong is blurred, and the truth is not always what it seems. Will Sarah be able to uncover the real killer and save her client, or will she be outmatched by forces beyond her control?