Something Better Comes Along Soundtrack (


Listless millenials muse over unrequited love on their way to self discovery in this character driven suburban neorealist story.

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Something Better Comes Along

User reviews

Mary Smith

Each track in the soundtrack seems carefully curated to reflect the melancholic yet hopeful tone of the film. The use of subtle melodies and minimalist arrangements creates an atmospheric backdrop that resonates with the audience, enhancing the storytelling experience.

Betty Baker

The blend of indie folk and dream pop elements in the soundtrack complements the film's neorealist style, adding a contemporary touch to the overall aesthetic. The music feels organic and authentic, mirroring the raw emotions and vulnerabilities of the characters as they navigate the complexities of relationships and personal growth.

Laura Lewis

I found the music to be uninspired and lacking in originality, failing to evoke any real sense of connection to the story or characters.

Andrew Robinson

It felt like a missed opportunity to enhance the overall viewing experience and left me feeling underwhelmed and disconnected from the narrative.

Kenneth Williams

The soundtrack of Something Better Comes Along perfectly captures the introspective mood of the listless millennials as they navigate unrequited love and self-discovery in the suburban setting. The music effortlessly enhances the character-driven narrative and adds depth to the emotional journey of the protagonists.

Thomas Thomas

Overall, the soundtrack of Something Better Comes Along is a standout feature of the film, elevating its narrative and emotional impact. The music not only sets the mood for each scene but also acts as a character in its own right, immersing the audience in the world of the story and leaving a lasting impression.

Stephanie Smith

The soundtrack of Something Better Comes Along failed to capture the emotional depth of the characters' struggles with unrequited love and self-discovery.