Spanish Movie is a Spanish comedy film that parodies popular American movies. The story follows a director named Javier, who is hired to make a movie in Hollywood. However, things take a hilarious turn when he realizes that the film he is working on is actually a parody of famous American films such as The Others, The Orphanage, and Volver.
The movie is filled with over-the-top humor, slapstick comedy, and clever references to well-known films. As Javier struggles to navigate the chaotic world of Hollywood, he must also deal with his own personal issues and insecurities.
Spanish Movie is a fun and entertaining film that will have viewers laughing out loud as they recognize the clever parodies and enjoy the absurd situations that Javier finds himself in. It is a must-watch for fans of both Spanish and American cinema.
Play | Title | Artist |
Spanish Movie
Carlos Gardel:
Contigo Oh
Michelle Jenner:
Me Muero
Sílvia Abril:
Como una ola