Spider's Web Soundtrack (

Spider's Web Soundtrack (1989) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 239 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La tela de araña

Title in Italiano:

La tela del ragno

Title in Português:

Das Spinnennetz

Title in Français:

La toile d'araignée

Title in Türk:

La toile d'araignée

Title in Deutsch:

La toile d'araignée


Spider's Web

In the thrilling novel Spider's Web, a young detective named Sarah is tasked with solving a mysterious murder case in a small town.

As Sarah delves deeper into the investigation, she uncovers a web of lies and deceit that leads her to suspect everyone in the town.

With the help of her trusted partner, Sarah must navigate through the twists and turns of the case to uncover the truth before it's too late.

Will Sarah be able to untangle the Spider's Web of secrets and bring the killer to justice?

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Spider's Web

User reviews

Linda Smith

The way the soundtrack builds up during key moments of revelation or danger added a layer of intensity to the narrative, enhancing my overall experience of the novel.

Ronald Roberts

The musical motifs and melodies in the soundtrack are memorable and haunting, adding an extra layer of depth to the characters and plot of Spider's Web, making it a truly engaging listening experience.

Edward Garcia

The soundtrack of Spider's Web perfectly captures the suspenseful atmosphere of the story, enhancing the tension and intrigue as Sarah unravels the murder mystery.

Andrew Rodriguez

I appreciated how the music reflected the emotional journey of the protagonist, Sarah, helping me connect with her struggles and triumphs on a deeper level.

Patricia Roberts

The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the story's tension and intrigue.

Thomas Brown

The compositions did little to elevate key moments in the plot, leaving the audience feeling disconnected from the characters' struggles and dilemmas.

Donna Perez

The soundtrack of Spider's Web perfectly captures the suspenseful atmosphere of the novel, keeping me on the edge of my seat throughout.

John Carter

The soundtrack of Spider's Web failed to capture the intense and suspenseful atmosphere of the novel.

Paul White

The soundtrack of Spider's Web perfectly captures the suspense and intrigue of the novel. Each track sets the mood for Sarah's investigative journey, keeping me on the edge of my seat with its chilling melodies and dramatic crescendos.

Laura Baker

I found the use of eerie melodies and haunting tones in the music to be incredibly effective in creating a sense of mystery and tension in the story.

Michael King

Overall, I believe the soundtrack of Spider's Web enhanced my enjoyment of the novel and added an extra layer of depth to the story, making it a memorable and impactful experience.

Michael Walker

The diversity of musical styles and instruments used in the soundtrack added richness and depth to the storytelling, making it a more immersive and engaging experience for me as a listener.

Ashley Moore

Each track in the soundtrack complements the narrative of the novel, providing a seamless auditory experience that immerses the listener into the world of small-town secrets and deception.

Melissa Nelson

Overall, the soundtrack of Spider's Web missed the mark in creating a memorable and engaging auditory experience for the audience.

Donna Jackson

The music in Spider's Web enhances the storytelling experience by immersing me in the world of the small town and its dark secrets. The haunting themes and mysterious undertones create a sense of unease that complements Sarah's quest for truth, making the soundtrack an integral part of the overall atmosphere of the story.

Deborah Hall

The soundtrack of Spider's Web did a fantastic job of setting the tone for each scene, whether it was a quiet moment of reflection or a heart-pounding chase, enhancing the overall storytelling.