Spinning Man Soundtrack (

Spinning Man Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 5.70/10 from 9345 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Falsa evidencia

Title in Italiano:

Doppia colpa

Title in Português:

Spinning Man


Evan Birch is a family man and esteemed professor at a distinguished college, where his charm and reputation have made his philosophy class very popular. When a female student named Joyce goes missing, Evan's previous off-campus dalliances make his wife question his alibi. Gruff police Detective Malloy has even more reason to be suspicious when crucial evidence makes Evan the prime suspect in Joyce's disappearance. Suddenly, the questions Evan faces aren't merely academic - they're a matter of life or death.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Spinning Man
Acredito em Você
Pedro Marques: Writer
I Got the Rhythm
Adam Gibbons: Performer
Adam Gibbons: Writer
Hello Baby
Adam Gibbons: Performer
Adam Gibbons: Writer
Drinks at School
Pedro Marques: Writer
Drunk Piano
Jean-Paul Wall: Performer