Ohara is a drama series that follows the life of a Japanese-American detective named Lt. Ohara. He is a tough and dedicated cop who is determined to solve crimes in the city of Los Angeles. Ohara faces many challenges as he navigates the complexities of his dual identity and tries to balance his personal and professional life.
The show explores themes of identity, culture, and justice as Ohara works to uphold the law and protect the people of his community. With his sharp wit and keen investigative skills, Ohara tackles cases with determination and perseverance, earning the respect of his colleagues and the admiration of the viewers.
As Ohara delves deeper into the criminal underworld, he uncovers dark secrets and dangerous adversaries that put his life at risk. But with his unwavering commitment to justice and his unwavering sense of duty, Ohara continues to fight for what is right, no matter the cost.