Start Up is a South Korean drama series that follows the story of a group of young entrepreneurs as they navigate the world of tech start-ups. The show centers around Seo Dal-mi, a young woman with a dream of becoming a successful businesswoman, and Nam Do-san, a genius tech entrepreneur. As they work together to build their start-up company, they face challenges, competition, and personal struggles.
With themes of ambition, friendship, and love, Start Up explores the highs and lows of chasing your dreams in the competitive world of technology. The series has received critical acclaim for its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and realistic portrayal of the start-up culture.
As Seo Dal-mi and Nam Do-san strive to make their start-up a success, viewers are taken on a journey of growth, perseverance, and the power of believing in oneself. Start Up is a must-watch for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, technology, or simply a good drama with heart.