Stranger Things is a popular science fiction horror series that takes place in the 1980s in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. The story revolves around a group of kids who uncover a series of supernatural events after a young boy named Will Byers goes missing.
The group of friends, including Will's mother Joyce and a mysterious girl with psychokinetic abilities named Eleven, embark on a journey to find Will and unravel the mysteries surrounding the secretive government lab known as the Hawkins National Laboratory.
As they delve deeper into the supernatural occurrences in Hawkins, they encounter a parallel dimension called the Upside Down, where a monstrous creature known as the Demogorgon lurks. The group must band together to defeat the creature and save their friend Will before it's too late.
Stranger Things has received critical acclaim for its nostalgic 80s references, compelling storyline, and talented cast. The series has garnered a large fan base and has become a cultural phenomenon since its debut on Netflix in 2016.