Strip Club Massacre Soundtrack (

Strip Club Massacre Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 5.50/10 from 1500 votes
Tags: drastic action or change, extreme measures
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Title in Español:

Strip Club Massacre

Title in Italiano:

Strip Club Massacre

Title in Português:

Strip Club Massacre


Strip Club Massacre is a horror film that follows Megan, a young woman who takes a job as a waitress at a strip club to make ends meet. However, things take a dark turn when a group of psychotic killers invade the club and start brutally murdering the staff and patrons.

As the night descends into chaos and bloodshed, Megan must fight for her life and find a way to escape the club before it's too late. With the help of a few other survivors, she must navigate the maze-like building and outsmart the killers if she wants to survive the night.

Strip Club Massacre is a thrilling and intense horror film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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Strip Club Massacre

User reviews

Carol Garcia

The musical choices in Strip Club Massacre showcase a great attention to detail and a deep understanding of how music can enhance storytelling.

Thomas Wilson

Furthermore, some of the song choices in the soundtrack felt out of place and disjointed, disrupting the flow of the film and detracting from the overall atmosphere. The jarring transitions between different musical styles took away from the tension and failed to complement the on-screen action, ultimately undermining the effectiveness of the soundtrack in enhancing the viewing experience.

Matthew Turner

The contrast between fast-paced, heart-pounding tracks during action sequences and slower, more ominous melodies during moments of anticipation helps to build the suspense effectively.

Charles Williams

I appreciate how the soundtrack combines eerie melodies with chilling sound effects to create a truly immersive auditory experience.

John Phillips

The soundtrack of Strip Club Massacre perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Robert Johnson

Overall, the soundtrack of Strip Club Massacre is a standout element that contributes significantly to the overall impact and enjoyment of the film.

Elizabeth Jackson

The soundtrack of Strip Club Massacre failed to enhance the suspense and terror of the film, instead feeling generic and lacking in originality. The music did not effectively set the mood or create a sense of dread, ultimately falling short in delivering a truly immersive horror experience.

Donald Wilson

The variety of musical styles and tones in the soundtrack of Strip Club Massacre keeps the audience engaged and emotionally invested in the unfolding story, enhancing the overall impact of the film.

Susan Perez

The use of atmospheric music in key moments heightens the suspense and keeps the audience engaged throughout the film.

Matthew Garcia

The soundtrack effectively complements the on-screen action, adding depth and emotion to the story being told.

Donna Rodriguez

The use of eerie and unsettling music in key scenes adds to the tension and fear, creating a sense of dread that keeps the audience on edge.

Margaret King

Overall, the soundtrack of Strip Club Massacre successfully immerses viewers in the dark and dangerous world of the film, contributing to the overall sense of unease and fear that permeates the story.

Amanda Roberts

The soundtrack of Strip Club Massacre effectively sets the tone for the intense and suspenseful atmosphere of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Kenneth Lewis

The integration of rock and metal tracks in certain scenes adds an aggressive and intense energy to the film, complementing the brutal and chaotic nature of the events unfolding on screen.

Robert Lewis

The music sets the mood for each scene, creating a sense of unease and fear that is essential for a horror film like this.

Thomas White

The diversity in musical styles used in the soundtrack adds layers to the film's narrative, making it a more dynamic and engaging watch.

Margaret Hill

I found myself getting drawn into the film even more thanks to the haunting and evocative music that accompanied the visuals.