In the novel "Submission" by Michel Houellebecq, the story is set in a near-future France where a Muslim political party wins the presidential election. The protagonist, François, is a disillusioned academic who finds himself drawn into the new political and social order that emerges after the election.
As François navigates this new world, he grapples with his own beliefs and desires, ultimately finding himself torn between his intellectual skepticism and the allure of power and belonging that the new regime offers. The novel explores themes of religion, politics, and identity, as François is forced to confront his own prejudices and preconceptions.
Through François' journey, Houellebecq paints a provocative and thought-provoking portrait of a society in flux, where the boundaries between personal and political, secular and religious, are increasingly blurred. "Submission" challenges readers to consider the implications of a changing world, and the choices we make in the face of uncertainty and upheaval.