Suburra: Blood on Rome is an Italian crime drama television series that follows the power struggles and corruption in Rome's underworld. The show is set in the seaside town of Ostia, where a deadly battle for control of the city's criminal activities unfolds.
The series revolves around three main characters: Aureliano Adami, a young and ambitious member of a powerful crime family; Spadino Anacleti, a cunning and ruthless member of a local crime syndicate; and Lele Marchilli, a disgraced politician who gets caught up in the dangerous world of organized crime.
As the three characters navigate the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld, they must make difficult choices that will ultimately determine their fates. Betrayal, violence, and intrigue abound as they each strive to achieve their own goals and rise to the top of the criminal hierarchy.
Suburra: Blood on Rome is a gripping and intense series that delves into the dark side of Rome, showcasing the lengths that people will go to in order to gain power and control. With its complex characters and intricate plot, the show keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness the deadly consequences of greed and ambition.