Suspiros de España (y Portugal) Soundtrack (

Suspiros de España (y Portugal) Soundtrack (1995) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Português:

Suspiros de España (y Portugal)

Title in Français:

Suspiros de España (y Portugal)


After the death of the abbot of a small convent the two monks who are left discover among the papers of the passed away abbot letters from the mother of one of them indicating that he is the natural son of a landowner in Extremadura. In order to claim the legacy of his friend the monk who has lived outside the convent for some time plans their voyage to the property of his father picking up on their way his daughter and lover. Once in Extremadura things look a little different to what the plans say.

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Play Title Artist
Suspiros de España (y Portugal)
Suspiros de España
Adiós papá
Los Ronaldos: Writer
Los Ronaldos: Performer